
CTS EVENTIM plans record dividend

Distribution of EUR 94.1 million to shareholders planned (prior year: EUR 44.2 million)

Record dividend of EUR 0.98 per share includes a basic dividend of EUR 0.50 and a special dividend of EUR 0.48

Group earnings grow by 6.2% to EUR 94.6 million

Earnings per share at EUR 0.99

Munich, 23 March 2017. At the Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on 9 May 2017, the corporate management and Supervisory Board of CTS EVENTIM AG & Co. KGaA, which is listed in the MDAX index (ISIN DE0005470306), will propose that a dividend of EUR 0.98 be paid per eligible share (prior year: EUR 0.46 per share). Distribution to shareholders will therefore total to around EUR 94.1 million (prior year: EUR 44.2 million). The proposed dividend includes a basic dividend of EUR 0.50 per share (50% of Group consolidated net income) and special dividend amounting to a further EUR 0.48 per share. This special dividend not only reflects the very successful financial year 2016, but also the sustainable positive development of the CTS Group. 2017 marks the twelfth year in succession that CTS EVENTIM AG & Co. KGaA will pay a dividend. The intention is also to maintain the policy of distributing 50% of the Group consolidated net income as a basic dividend. In the past 2016 financial year, the CTS Group generated EUR 94.6 million in Group consolidated net income (prior year: EUR 89.0 million) and earnings per share of EUR 0.99 (prior year: EUR 0.93).

The 2016 financial year: E-Commerce as growth driver

As the preliminary figures published on 16 February 2017 have already shown, the CTS Group maintained its unabated growth in 2016 also. Strong growth in the Ticketing segment resulted in a significant 7.4% increase in normalised Group EBITDA to EUR 194.5 million (prior year: EUR 181.0 million), despite the anticipated fall in revenue and earnings in the Live Entertainment segment compared to the record achieved in 2015. Online ticketing was the growth driver for the CTS Group; 15.0% organic growth in tickets sold in E-Commerce took the volume to around 40.8 million tickets. Owing to expansion in South America and Scandinavia, the total volume of tickets sold online rose 23.1% to 43.7 million tickets.

Outlook for 2017: Continued expansion

The current financial year will see the CTS Group continuing to rigorously pursue its international growth strategy. Efforts will be focused on further and continuous development of the proprietary E-Commerce platform by ensuring wide-ranging content, maximum coverage and an expanding portfolio of services. The market for international ticketing and live events will also be monitored on an ongoing basis for strategic opportunities for partnerships and acquisitions. Based on that strategy, the management expects further growth in the 2017 financial year.

The full Annual Report is available on the Internet at, in an online version and in download form.

Marco Haeckermann
Vice President Corporate Development & Strategy
Frank Brandmaier
Head of Corporate Communications

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