Press Release

CTS EVENTIM supports German Cancer Research Centre with one million Euro for an endowed chair

CTS EVENTIM, Europe’s biggest provider of ticketing services, will finance an endowed chair in ‘Epigenetic Regulation’ at the German Cancer Research Centre (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum – DKFZ). The company will donate a total of one million Euro over a five-year period, according to a recent agreement concluded by Klaus-Peter Schulenberg, CEO of CTS EVENTIM, and the Management Board of the DKFZ.

Bremen, 6 May 2015. Our paramount aim in giving this financial support is to help in the important struggle against cancer. Supporting cutting-edge research in Germany is also close to our heart. The DKFZ’s outstanding work makes it an ideal partner for both these concerns’, says Klaus-Peter Schulenberg about his company’s commitment. 
‘We are delighted that the generous endowment by CTS EVENTIM will allow us to give a brilliant young talent the opportunity of taking up a chair at our centre’, says Professor Otmar D. Wiestler, Chairman of the Management Board of the German Cancer Research Centre. ‘In a joint effort with the University of Heidelberg, we shall initiate an appointment procedure very soon so that a highly qualified candidate is recruited as quickly as possible.’ 
In their search, the DKFZ and the university will focus on young talents with an innovative and original research approach, with which they can also compete at international level. 
‘Cutting-edge research costs a lot of money, so even when it is supported by the public sector it is reliant more than ever before on support from private-sector donors’, says Professor Josef Puchta, the Administrative and Commercial Director of the German Cancer Research Centre. ‘Sourcing private-sector money for research is still uncommon in Germany. In the USA or Israel, in contrast, there is a strong tradition of supporting 
research in this way. Our hope is therefore that the wonderful example set by CTS EVENTIM will be emulated by very many others’, says Puchta. 
CTS EVENTIM AG & Co. KGaA, which is listed in the MDAX segment, is Europe’s market leader in the ticketing field, with operations in 23 countries, and one of the leading providers of live entertainment. More than 100 million tickets for over 200,000 events are sold annually using systems developed and marketed by the EVENTIM Group. CEO Klaus-Peter Schulenberg has been actively involved for many years in the Advisory Council of the German Cancer Research Council, which is chaired by Professor Roland Berger.

Marco Haeckermann
Vice President Corporate Development & Strategy
Frank Brandmaier
Head of Corporate Communications

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